Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Exploring Human Nature in The Epic of Gilgamesh and Samuel I

Examining the nature of humanity and the reason for being has always been a topic of interest that transcends time, gender, age and culture. All literature in existence examines human nature or human interaction or interpretation with non-human things. The one thing we can know for certain is that life is not eternal: we all die. Despite this, each of us have a predisposition to survive and we go to extreme lengths to do so, such as by acquiring mass amounts of power in which to rule over other humans, ensuring a ruler’s survival. We fear what we know is inevitable, so we use the threats of power, including that of ‘higher powers’, to frighten people into believing that they shall face a terrible consequence if they threaten the survival†¦show more content†¦The epic concludes with Enkidu’s death and Gilgamesh flatly accepting the fact that he has lost immortality, and thus eternal power, demonstrating that the Gods are the ultimate source of power and mortals should not attempt to attain such power. The same message is found across the Christian Bible: humankind cannot rule itself. With particular focus on Samuel 1, this essay addresses the correlation between the two literary workings and their connection with human desire to conquer all. Samuel 1 begins with an infertile woman, Hannah, who prays to God to send her a child. Because she is a follower of God and his rules, he gives her the ability to birth a child. It is believed that the Christian God rewards his followers but punishes and destroys those against him. Hannah gives birth to a boy, Samuel, and promises to raise him in subservience to God. She sends him to live at the temple with Eli, a priest, and his sons. Samuel grows to be a follower of God, but Eli’s sons become corrupt. At the time, being a religious leader brought power, fame and wealth. Eli was aware of the corruption within his sons, yet he refused to acknowledge it much as it may have interfered with his position of power. Not wanting to jeprodize his position of power, Eli did not intervene and God saw this as a lack of fear and respect, creating a

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Euthanasia Legalization Free Essays

Euthanasia Legalization By: Renee Rosenkilde Rosenkilde 1 Although the United States, and the rest of the world, have made astounding inventions and breakthroughs in technology, health care is still subject to criticism. Even in the twenty-first century, there are numerous terminal, chronic, and life threating diseases circling the world. Because of these circumstances, when a patient is diagnosed with a painful disease that will kill them in a short amount of time, they should be allowed to decide how they want to end their life: waiting for the disease to kill them, or instantly receiving assisted suicide and ending their pain immediately. We will write a custom essay sample on Euthanasia Legalization or any similar topic only for you Order Now Through the process of active euthanasia, a person diagnosed with a terminal illness can immediately die. Active euthanasia would allow a person with a terminal illness to be administered a lethal medication which will instantly kill them and release them from their suffering. Another form of assisted suicide, passive euthanasia, is eliminating any medical assistance in keeping a patient alive, until their death. Active euthanasia should be legalized because it is legal according to the constitution, it is a less expensive alternative, certain religions partake in the act of active euthanasia, and overall it will allow a terminally ill and suffering patient to end their misery. Active euthanasia should be legalized throughout the United States because it is legal according to the Constitution. Currently, assisted suicide is only legal in the states of Washington, Oregon, and Montana (ND NA wrtl. org). Active euthanasia would allow a citizen of the United States a painless death, and an allotted time to say goodbye to their friends and family members. Once consent is given from either the patient themselves, or the family, active Rosenkilde 2 euthanasia should be a possibility for someone with a terminal chronic illness. Steven Ertlet comments, â€Å"The bereaved family and friends of cancer patients who died by euthanasia coped better with respect to grief symptoms and post-traumatic stress reactions than the bereaved of comparable cancer patients who died a natural death. (ND Ertlet paragraph 1). Whereas passive euthanasia would contribute to an extensive amount of pain and suffering, active euthanasia would allow for an immediate, accessible, and painless death. The Constitution of the United States says, â€Å"†¦certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. †¦whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it. † The United States Constitution grants its citizens the right to pursue happiness, which in some cases may be through active euthanasia. The Constitution restates this idea in a more precise form in the Due Process Clause [first section of the fourteenth amendment]: â€Å"No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of†¦liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. † The Constitution states that if it is a person’s desire to die through active euthanasia, it shall be provided to them through to the Due Process Law [first section of the fourteenth amendment]. In the case that active euthanasia would be the best option for a United States citizen struggling with a terminal illness, active euthanasia should be considered. Euthanasia should be legalized in the United States, because it would allow for a citizen with a terminal illness a quick and painless death as well as abide to the Unites States Constitution. Rosenkilde 3 With the declining economy in the United States, saving money and cutting unnecessary spending is of great importance. With health spending accounting for over 17% GDP [how much a place produces in some amount of time] in the United States, it is the highest in the world (NA ND data. wordlbank. org). Cutting this percentage as much as possible would drastically improve the Untied State’s economy. The money spent in hospitals is used to cure patients with different illnesses. Although this is thoughtful on America’s part, in many cases it is unnecessary. If a patient is diagnosed with an incurable terminal illness, there is not much point in wasting money to keep them suffering for as long as possible. Mpoziemski, an online debater at euthanasia. procon. org comments, â€Å"Is it not more compassionate to end a human’s suffering then to make them hold on only to die later after a long, drawn out pain filled battle? † (Mpoziemski 2012 paragraph 1). Keeping a patient suffering until they die of natural causes is irrational when it is possible through active euthanasia to end their suffering as soon as possible. As an added note, this would also help save money throughout this country in drastic numbers. Once approval is given for active euthanasia to be administered, it is can easily save the patient and the hospital money. Certain cancer treatments can be as costly as $10,000, which is added to the accumulating bill for doctor visits, lab tests, room charges, imaging tests, radiation treatments, drugs and other medicines, nurse care, surgery, and homecare (NA ND cancer. org/treatment). Prolonging the life of a patient with an illness is costly for both the hospital and the patient. Instead of paying money to suffer for a longer amount of time, a person with a terminal illness can receive active euthanasia and avoid both the physical and financial pain. Rosenkilde 4 The United States was originally a British colony which British citizens fled to for religious freedom. America seemed as a place where everybody could freely practice their religion. Therefore, when the United States liberated themself from Great Britain, the basis of this country was based off of the freedom of religion. The first amendment of the United States Constitution says â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (www. archieves. ov amendment 1). According toreligions. pewform. org, Judaism, a religion that over 2% of all American adults practice, accepts the idea of suicide in certain circumstances. A story in the Torah tells of a young man who was told by God to commit suicide in order to end his suffering. The story tells of a young man who was being burned alive by the Romans, and god tells him to end his suffering by breathing in large amount of smoke and flames to kill him more quickly. Also, Jewish people do not associate suicide as murder. Although the Torah explains breaking one of the Ten Commandments â€Å"thou shalt not kill† as a sin, suicide does not abide by this commandment, and therefore is not considered a sin. Another main religion in the United States is Hinduism. Practiced mainly by Americans of Indian decent, this religion has ancient suicidal practices. One example of this is called â€Å"suttee†. This is a ritual practice throughout India in which a wife will commit suicide after her husband’s death so that he would have a partner in the afterlife. †¦[suttee] the Indian custom of a widow burning herself, either on the funeral pyre of her dead husband or in some other fashion, soon after his death. † (http://www. britannica. com/EBchecked/topic/575795/suttee). Another example of Hindu suicide is the practice of prayopavesa. Prayopavesa is when a Hindu will fast (not eat food) until their death. This practice is used under certain circumstances only for the religiously adva nced. Rosenkilde 5 Prayopavesa is only used when a person has an incurable terminal illness. Not consuming any food or water will eventually kill the person, most likely faster than the illness would have. The Hindu religion believes in the concept of karma: good or bad luck generated by your actions. Some Hindus believe that â€Å"†¦a person who helps other end a painful life and thereby reduce suffering is doing a good deed and will gain good karma. † (http://www. religionfacts. com/euthanasia/hinduism. htm). In all, the United States was based off of freedom of religion, and this concept has been encoded in the first amendment of the constitution. Therefore, if a religion accepts and enforces the practice of assisted suicide (active euthanasia), then it should be legalized throughout the United States. Although active euthanasia is a politically and religiously controversial topic, research can conclude that euthanasia should be legalized across the United States. Due to the fact that the United States Constitution accepts the use of euthanasia, it cannot be ruled as illegal. As well, the United States Constitution, and the entire country, was based off of the freedom of religion. Therefore, if certain major religions accept, and encourage the use of active euthanasia, than the medical procedure should be legalized across the nation so that these religious practices may take place in a safe medical environment. As well, active euthanasia should be legalized because it can save a great deal of money across the United States. With over 17% of GDP used on hospitals and the medical world, taking a person out of their misery would be more effective and less costly. The costs for doctor visits, lab tests, room charges, imaging tests, radiation treatments, drugs and other medicines, nurse care, surgery, and homecare accumulate to increasingly high bills for both the patient and the hospital. Finally, and most importantly, the practice of active euthanasia can quickly, easily, and effectively take a patient with a terminal Rosenkilde 6 llness out of their pain and misery with an allotted time to say goodbye to their loved ones. With a patient dying due to a disease anyways, wouldn’t it make more sense to end their life quickly and easily instead of keeping them alive to endure a life of pain? Active euthanasia should be legalized throughout the United States, and should be made an option for anyone with a miserable, chronic, long-term, terminal illness. Works Cited http://www. lifenews. com/2003/07/20/bio-21/ http://www. wrtl. org/assistedsuicide/assistedsuicide/whereitislegalus. aspx http://www. law. cornell. edu/constitution/amendmentxiv ttp://www. fed-soc. org/publications/detail/whether-there-is-a-constitutional-right-to-die http://www. ushistory. org/declaration/document/ http://euthanasia. procon. org/view. answers. php? questionID=000207 http://www. cancer. org/treatment/findingandpayingfortreatment/managinginsuranceissues/the-cost-of-cancer-treatment http://data. worldbank. org/indicator/SH. XPD. TOTL. ZS http://www. religionfacts. com/euthanasia/hinduism. htm http://www. archives. gov/exhibits/charters/bill_of_rights_transcript. html http://www. britannica. com/EBchecked/topic/575795/suttee http://religions. pewforum. org/reports How to cite Euthanasia Legalization, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Alexander the Great was king of the Macedonians an Essay Example For Students

Alexander the Great was king of the Macedonians an Essay d one of the greatest generals in history. As a student of the Greek philosopher Aristotle, Alexander was embedded with lasting interests in philosophy, politics and warfare. As king, he settled problems by immediate action, making quick decisions and taking great risks. His armies overcame these risks by sheer force and by the ingenious tactics instilled in them by Alexander. He and his armies conquered the Persian Empire, which stretched from the Mediterranean Sea to India and formed much of what was then considered the civilized world. Through his conquests, Alexander helped spread Greek ideas, customs and laws throughout Asia and Egypt and adopted a uniform currency system to promote trade and commerce. He thus spread the rich Hellenistic culture enjoyed by the Greeks throughout the world. Alexander had a dream of the brotherhood of mankind where every person shared a common language, currency and loyalty, but he was unable to see his dream through due to an illness that claimed his life at the young age of 33. Alexander was born in 356 B.C. He was born in Pella, the ancient capital of Macedonia. He was the son of Philip II, king of Macedonia, and of Olympias, a princess of Epirus. At the age of 13, Aristotle was hired to be Alexanders private tutor. Aristotle inspired interests of politics, other races of people and countries, plants and animals, and a great love for literature in Alexander (Overview of Alexander the Great. 1). He was an outstanding athlete and excelled in every sport of his time (Durant 538). In 338 B. C., at the age of 18, Alexander led the cavalry of his fathers army in the Battle of Chaeronea, which brought Greece under Macedonian control. At the age of 20, Alexanders father was murdered by one of his bodyguards, and Alexander succeeded the throne as king of Macedonia. After Alexanders father died, some Greek cities under Macedonian rule revolted. In 335 B.C. Alexander attacked the city of Thebes, storming its walls and destroying every building, except the temples and the house of the poet Pindar. His army sold the 30,000 inhabitants of Thebes into slavery or killed them. Alexanders actions against Thebes discouraged rebellion by the other Greek cities.(Alexander the Great. 1). With solid footing at home, Alexander prepared to invade Asia in 334 B. C. After crossing the Hellespont with an army of 35,000 men, he met his first Persian battle on the banks of the Granicus River. His cavalry charged across the Granicus and overwhelmed the Persians. From there, Alexander went on to conquer all of Asia Minor with little resistance (Alexander the Great. 2). After recovering from a serious illness in 333 B. C., Alexander marched to Syria, where the king of Persia, Darius III, had fortified a riverbank near Issus with 600,000 men (Durant 544). Again Alexander attacked with his cavalry and defeated the Persians. Darius III managed to escape but left behind his family and a large amount of money. Alexander then turned to Tyre, a small island about a half a mile offshore, where a large group of Phoenicians were assembled to defend Persia. Unable to conquer by sea, Alexanders men built a causeway to the island and attacked on land. Tyre resisted for seven months, so long that when captured, Alexander had his army slay 8,000 men and sell the other 30,000 into slavery (Alexander the Great. 2). Jerusalem surrendered and was spared, but Gaza fought for three months until every man in the city was dead (Durant 544). Alexander and his men now set forth to conquer Egypt. Upon arriving, he was welcomed as a .. .ud3b895ecc20ce3b7fa835990139cb71e , .ud3b895ecc20ce3b7fa835990139cb71e .postImageUrl , .ud3b895ecc20ce3b7fa835990139cb71e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud3b895ecc20ce3b7fa835990139cb71e , .ud3b895ecc20ce3b7fa835990139cb71e:hover , .ud3b895ecc20ce3b7fa835990139cb71e:visited , .ud3b895ecc20ce3b7fa835990139cb71e:active { border:0!important; } .ud3b895ecc20ce3b7fa835990139cb71e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud3b895ecc20ce3b7fa835990139cb71e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud3b895ecc20ce3b7fa835990139cb71e:active , .ud3b895ecc20ce3b7fa835990139cb71e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud3b895ecc20ce3b7fa835990139cb71e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud3b895ecc20ce3b7fa835990139cb71e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud3b895ecc20ce3b7fa835990139cb71e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud3b895ecc20ce3b7fa835990139cb71e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud3b895ecc20ce3b7fa835990139cb71e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud3b895ecc20ce3b7fa835990139cb71e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud3b895ecc20ce3b7fa835990139cb71e .ud3b895ecc20ce3b7fa835990139cb71e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud3b895ecc20ce3b7fa835990139cb71e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Foalktales1 Essay.divinely sent liberator from Persian rule and was crowned pharaoh (Durant 544). While in Egypt, he founded Alexandria, which would become a world center of commerce and learning, and he visited the temple and oracle of Zues-Ammon. In 331 B.C. Alexander marched back to Asia to attack Persia. He was greeted by Darius III and a large army at Guagamela. Alexander was dismayed by the size of Darius army, but it was no match for the fortification of Alexanders phalanxes and swiftness of his cavalry. Darius was forced to retreat and his own .

Saturday, November 30, 2019

POWERPOINT PR1 Essays - Countries, Southeast Asia,

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Ramon National High School-Senior High Practical Research 1 Batch 2019 High School Teachers Perception Who Use Filipino Language as a Medium of Instruction Regarding on Filipino Subjects Removal in Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Dinahum Danaleth Batalon Jomel Dela cruz Nathaniel Eduarte Arneliza Jacinto Gesel Lorenzo King Edmar Reyes Maricar PIC HEREstyle.visibilitystyle.visibilitystyle.visibilitystyle.visibilitystyle.visibilitystyle.visibilitystyle.visibilitystyle.visibilitystyle.visibility Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Ramon National High School-Senior High I. THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTING Filipino subjects removal in college is a very practical action of CHED since we are all aware that Filipino subject has already taught during primary and secondary level of education. Practical Research 1 Batch 2019style.visibilitystyle.visibilityppt_xppt_y Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Ramon National High School-Senior High I. THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTING However, the CHED must know or asses the consequences first of this action of theirs before implementing such actions. Practical Research 1 Batch 2019style.visibilitystyle.visibilityppt_xppt_ystyle.visibilityppt_xppt_ystyle.visibilityppt_xppt_y RESEARCH QUESTIONS Practical Research 1 Batch 2019 Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Ramon National High School-Senior Highstyle.visibilityppt_wppt_hppt_xppt_ystyle.visibilityppt_wppt_hppt_xppt_y RESEARCH QUESTIONS Practical Research 1 Batch 2019 Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Ramon National High School-Senior Highstyle.visibilityppt_wppt_hppt_xppt_ystyle.visibilityppt_wppt_hppt_xppt_y RESEARCH QUESTIONS Practical Research 1 Batch 2019 Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Ramon National High School-Senior Highstyle.visibilityppt_wppt_hppt_xppt_ystyle.visibilityppt_wppt_hppt_xppt_y III. SCOPE AND DELIMITATION Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Ramon National High School-Senior High Practical Research 1 Batch 2019 Out of more than 20 high school teachers of Ramon National High School, only 10 selected High School teachers who use Filipino language as a medium of instruction were interviewed in conducting this study.style.visibilityppt_xppt_y III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Ramon National High School-Senior High Practical Research 1 Batch 2019 Case study type of research design was chosen as the best research design associated in this study since it is a research strategy and an empirical inquiry that investigates within its real-life context that based onstyle.visibilitystyle.visibilityppt_xppt_y Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Ramon National High School-Senior High Practical Research 1 Batch 2019 in-depth investigation of a single individual, group or event to explore the causes of underlying principle. Through this research design, it also aims to describe a person, a thing, or any creatures on earth for the purpose exploring the reason behind the nature of its existence. style.visibility Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Ramon National High School-Senior High Practical Research 1 Batch 2019 Hence, the researchers were able to define and describe easily the reasons why CHED planned to remove Filipino subject and how they managed to spill this bean while thinking the implications and consequences and/or effects which is the primary aim of this research.style.visibility Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Ramon National High School-Senior High Practical Research 1 Batch 2019 III. SUMMARY, AND CONLUSION RECOMENDATIONS This study was done by interviewing ten (10) respondents from Ramon National High School teachers. Interview questions as regards to the study were used to gather information. Data analyzing on the transcript was used to find out the perceptions of High school teachersstyle.visibilityppt_wppt_hstyle.rotationstyle.visibilityppt_wppt_h Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Ramon National High School-Senior High Practical Research 1 Batch 2019 who use Filipino language as medium of instruction regarding on Filipino subjects removal in CHED accommodating only the scope and delimitations of the study. After the rigid analysis, the findings were formulated.style.visibility Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region 02-Schools Division of Isabela Practical Research 1 Batch 2019 III. FINDINGS There were four (4) answers given by some respondents regarding on Filipino subjects removal in CHED. These were (a) Filipino subjects removal in CHED is still a puzzle, (b) Filipino subjects removal is because of Filipino and English language are the same in content,style.visibilityppt_xppt_yppt_yppt_yppt_ystyle.visibility Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region 02-Schools Division of Isabela Practical Research 1 Batch 2019 III. FINDINGS (c) Filipino is already part of the curriculum in Primary and Secondary School and; (d) Removal of Filipino Subject is due to modern technologies.style.visibilityppt_xppt_yppt_yppt_yppt_ystyle.visibility Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region 02-Schools Division of Isabela Practical Research 1 Batch 2019 Respondents reactions regarding on Filipino subjects removal in terms of job employment are (a) Filipino teachers are being threatened and; (b) The respondents are disappointed.style.visibility Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region 02-Schools Division of Isabela Practical Research 1 Batch 2019 The impacts of Filipino subjects removal in CHED to the students regarding on their patriotism or nationalism were (a) It will lead to the erosion of our own national identity, (b) It will affect the competitiveness of the students,style.visibilityppt_xppt_y Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region 02-Schools Division of Isabela Practical Research 1

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Biography of Mike Pence, United States Vice President

Biography of Mike Pence, United States Vice President Mike Pence (born June 7, 1959) is a conservative American politician who was a member of the House of Representatives and the governor of Indiana before becoming vice president of the United States in the 2016 election. He is serving with President Donald Trump. Fast Facts: Mike Pence Known For: U.S. congressman (2001–2013), governor of Indiana (2013–2017), vice president of the United States (2017–present)Born: June 7, 1959 in Columbus, IndianaParents: Edward Joseph Pence, Jr. and Nancy Pence-FritschEducation: Hanover College (Indiana), BA in 1981; Indiana University School of Law, JD in 1986Spouse: Karen Sue Batten Whitaker (married in 1985)Children: Michael, Charlotte, and Audrey Early Life Mike Pence (Michael Richard Pence) was born on June 7, 1959, in Columbus, Indiana, the third of six children of Edward Joseph and Nancy Cawley Pence. Edwards father was Richard Michael Cawley, an Irish immigrant from Tubbercurry, Ireland, who became a Chicago bus driver. Edward Pence owned a string of gas stations in Indiana and was a Korean War veteran; his wife was an elementary school teacher. Mike Pences parents were Irish Catholic Democrats and Pence grew up admiring President John F. Kennedy, even collecting JFK memorabilia as a youngster. He  graduated from Columbus North High School in 1977, received a BA in history from Hanover College in 1981, and earned a law degree from Indiana University in 1986. Pence met Karen Sue Batten Whitaker, a divorced elementary school teacher, in 1984 at an evangelical church service. They married on June 8, 1985, and have three children: Michael, Charlotte, and Audrey. Early Career As a young man, Pence was a Catholic and a Democrat like his parents, but while at Hanover College, he became a born-again evangelical Christian and a fundamentalist conservative Christian Republican with a desire to serve in politics. He practiced law until he entered politics, making unsuccessful runs for the U.S. Congress in 1988 and 1990. He recalled that experience as one of the most divisive and negative campaigns in Indianas modern Congressional history, and admitted his participation in the negativity, in Confessions of a Negative Campaigner, published in the Indiana Policy Review  in 1991. From 1991 to 1993, Pence served as president of the Indiana Policy Review Foundation, a conservative think-tank. From 1992 to 1999, he hosted a daily conservative talk radio program called the The Mike Pence Show, which was syndicated state-wide in 1994. Pence also hosted a Sunday morning political TV program in Indianapolis from 1995 until 1999. When the Republican representing Indianas 2nd Congressional District announced his retirement in 2000, Pence ran for the seat a third time. 2000 Congressional Election The primary campaign for the seat was a six-way contest pitting Pence against several political veterans, including state Rep. Jeff Linder. Pence emerged the victor and faced the Democratic primary winner Robert Rock, the son of a former Indiana lieutenant governor, and former Republican state Sen. Bill Frazier as a populist independent. After a brutal campaign, Pence was elected after earning 51% of the vote. Congressional Career Pence began his congressional career as one of the most outspoken conservatives in the House. He refused to support a Republican-backed bankruptcy bill because it had an abortion measure in it, with which he disagreed. He also joined a Senate Republican lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the newly enacted McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform law. He was one of just 33 House members to vote against President George W. Bushs No Child Left Behind Act. In 2002, he cast a vote against a farm subsidy bill, for which he would later express regret. Pence won his subsequent reelection; that same year, the district was renumbered as the 6th. In 2005, Pence was elected to chair the Republican Study Committee, an indication of his growing influence. Controversies Later that year, Hurricane Katrina struck the Louisiana coast and Republicans found themselves cast as insensitive and unwilling to assist with the cleanup. In the midst of the catastrophe, Pence called a press conference announcing the Republican-led Congress would include $24 billion in spending cuts, saying ... [W]e must not let Katrina break the bank. Pence also stirred controversy in 2006 when he teamed with Democrats to break a deadlock on immigration. His bill ultimately foundered and he was castigated by conservatives. Campaign for Minority Leader When Republicans took a significant beating in the 2006 election, Pence observed, We didnt just lose our majority. I believe we lost our way. With that, he threw his hat into the ring for Republican leader, a post that had been held for less than a year by Ohio Congressman John Boehner. The debate centered around the failures of the Republican leadership leading up to the general election, but Pence was defeated 168-27. Political Prospecting   Despite his political setbacks, Pence emerged as a major voice for the Republican Party under Democratic House leadership and in 2008, he was elected House Republican Conference Chairman- the third-highest ranked position in House party leadership. He made several trips to primary states in 2009, which led to speculation that he was considering a run for the presidency. After Republicans regained control of the House in 2010, Pence declined to run for Republican leader, throwing his support instead to Boehner. He also stepped down as chair of the Republican Conference, leading many to suspect he would challenge Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh or run for governor of the state. In early 2011, a movement led by former Kansas Rep. Jim Ryun got underway to draft Pence for president in 2012. Pence remained non-committal but said he would make a decision by the end of January 2011. Pence  decided in May 2011 to  seek the  Republican nomination for governor of Indiana. He ultimately won the election by a narrow vote, taking office in  January 2013. In March 2015 he signed a religious freedom bill into law, which allowed businesses to cite religious beliefs in denying service to potential customers. The bill, however, led to accusations of discrimination against the LGBT community. Pence ran unopposed in the Republican primary for governor in May 2016 in a bid for a second term. Vice Presidency During the 2016 presidential campaign, Pence again considered running but backed Texas Sen. Ted Cruz for the GOP nomination. In December 2015, he criticized then-candidate Donald Trumps call for a temporary U.S. ban on people from Muslim-dominated countries as offensive and unconstitutional. The following June, he characterized Trumps critical comments on U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel as inappropriate. At the same time, however, Pence praised Trumps stand on jobs. In July, Trump named him as his running mate in the presidential election. Pence accepted and pulled the plug on his gubernatorial campaign. Pence was elected vice president on November 8, 2016, and was sworn in on January 20, 2017, alongside President Donald Trump. Sources DAntonio, Michael and Peter Eisner. The Shadow President: The Truth about Mike Pence. New York: St. Martins Press, 2018. (partisan left)De la Cuetara, Ines and Chris Good. Mike Pence: Everything You Need to Know. ABC News, July 20, 2016.  Neal, Andrea. Pence: The Path to Power. Bloomington, Indiana: Red Lightning Press, 2018. (partisan right)Phillips, Amber. Who is Mike Pence? Washington Post, October 4, 2016.  Mike Pence Fast Facts. CNN, June 14, 2016.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln Essay Research Paper

Character assassination Of Abraham Lincoln Essay, Research Paper Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 in Kentucky. In 1818 he moved to Indiana. On November 4, 1842 Lincoln married Mary Todd. In 1832 Lincoln became a campaigner for province legislative assembly but he lost. Later that twelvemonth he was appointed to postmaster of New Salem, so subsequently became deputy county surveyor. Lincoln ran for the Illinois legislative assembly but was non successful. Two old ages subsequently Lincoln was elected to the Lower House for four footings as a Whig. After this he ran for a place in the U.S. senate but he was defeated. Lincoln so joined the freshly formed Republican Party. He was chosen to run against John C. Breckenbridge for U.S. president and he won and became the 16th President of the United States. Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes booth on April 14, 1865. Booth started be aftering to assassinate Lincoln in 1864. Samuel Arnold, Michael O Laughlen, John Surratt, Lewis Powell, George Atzerodt, and David Herold helped Booth in assassinating Lincoln. John Wilkes Booth was a racialist and a southern sympathiser. Booth was against everything Lincoln represented. Lincoln was assassinated at the Fords theater in Washington D.C. Booth wanted retaliation for the south s ailments which he thought Lincoln brought. The Lincoln Assassination On April, 14 1865 President Abraham Lincoln was shot while watching a public presentation of An American Cousin at Ford s Theater. President Lincoln died the following forenoon. The individual who had killed Lincoln was John Wilkes Booth. A few yearss before he was killed, Lincoln had told his partner about a dream he had, he saw a president shrouded on a catafalque in the east room of the White House. Even after this dream he attended An American Cousin at Ford s Theater. John Wilkes Booth thought the president was determined to destruct the fundamental law, set aside the rights reserved to the provinces, crush civil autonomies, and restore monarchy. He saw the Confederacy was the lone means to of continuing the values of the establishing male parents. He devoted much of late 1864 and early 1865 to a series of secret plans to kidnap Lincoln and utilize his gaining control to invalidate the Union s war purposes. Every strategy stoping in defeat. After Lee ha d surrendered to the Army of the Potomac, in the 2nd hebdomad of April, he saw that merely the most despairing steps offered any hope of salvaging the Southern Cause. Shortly before he went into the theater, he stopped at tavern for a drink. While in the bar an acquaintance jokingly remarked that â€Å"he would never be as great as his father,† Booth replied by saying â€Å"When I leave the stage, I will be the most talked about man in America.† The Atlanta Campaign of 1864 In the spring of 1864, Gen. W. T. Sherman concentrated the Union armies of G. H. Thomas, J. B. McPherson, and J. M. Schofield around Chattanooga. On May 6 he began to move along the railroad from Chattanooga to Atlanta. Sherman had two objectives, one was to destroy the army of General J. E. Johnston and the other was to capture Atlanta. Johnston realizing that he was outnumbered started to retreat south. Sherman tried a direct assault on Johnston s forces and was repulsed. Johnston had retreated back to the south bank of the Chattahoochee river. On July 17, John Bell Hood replaced Johnston as General. He tried t o continue with Johnston s plan, but failed to stop the advance of Union troops. He retired to Atlanta, which Sherman soon had under bombardment. On September 1 Hood abandoned Atlanta, the next day Sherman moved in and burned it. The Maryland Invasion A year after the confederate defeat at Gettysburg. Robert E. Lee planned to invade the North again like he did in the campaigns of Antietam and Gettysburg. He hoped that this would be enough to get Grant to detach part of his army to protect Maryland, Pennsylvania and Washington City, or to have Grant attach fortifications and risk heavy lose. Miscellaneous Fort Pillow Massacre: An incident that took place in Fort Pillow, Tennessee, April 12, 1864. Confederate troops commanded by General N. B. Forrest, stormed and captured Fort Pillow on the Mississippi River. The garrison of black soldiers and Tennessee Unionist held out beyond all possible hope. The joint committee on the Conduct of War investigated and charged that the Confederates indiscriminately slaughtered more than 300 black soldiers. General Sherman was ordered to investigate, but his report was never published. Battle of Franklin: November 30, 1864, a Civil War engagement in which the Confederate forces were defeated. After abandoning Atlanta, General Hood reorganized the Confederate army at Lovejoy s Station. His hope was too cut off Sherman s lines of communication.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Political Science Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Political Science - Assignment Example The Congress used the commerce power in the U.S constitution to enact the provision that the Supreme Court subsequently upheld (Schwinn, 2015). The Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the provision. Indeed, the Supreme Court noted that the provision could apply in small local hotels since they bought most of their raw materials from other states thus amounting to interstate commerce that falls under the regulation of the commerce clause (Cornell University Law School, 2015). The provision is an effective business measure that eliminated the eminent negative image on interstate commerce since it criminalized the behavior of denying the minority groups access to accommodation and catering services. Ideally, racial discrimination has substantial effect on interstate commerce and hence the provision seeks to regulate this effect (Cornell University Law School, 2015). The provision has control over non-state businesses unlike the Fourteenth Amendment that only applied to state actors. The Fourteenth Amendment only illegalized state-sponsored dis ­crimination but did not address private discrimination. The provision developed a private right of action that allowed the federal government to charge non-state actors with Equal Protection violations (Schwinn, 2015). Apparently, most businesses serve interstate travellers and hence the significance of the provision. As such, I agree with the provision in the 1964 Civil Rights Act that illegalizes racial discrimi nation in businesses that provide accommodations to interstate travelers. Schwinn, S. (2015). Civil Rights Act of 1964: Enduring and Revolutionary. Retrieved from

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

A Critical Aaccount of a Philosopher's Educational Idea (John Dewey) Term Paper

A Critical Aaccount of a Philosopher's Educational Idea (John Dewey) And Their Usefulness to And Implications for the Bahamas - Term Paper Example This essay stresses that the contributions of John Dewey to the present education will always be felt. To him, education is as important to social life as reproduction and nutrition are important to physiological life. He viewed education as a necessity in life where a child is born knowing nothing only that it is born in a social group. According to John Dewey, all communication is educative and any individual who actively participates in communication learns something. For a society to continue existing, a teaching and learning process must be existing. An individual learns the way to respond to an event through participation in communication that involves common understanding. It has also been found earlier that living together is educative and this is especially in the experiences that the individual gains from the other members of the society. This paper makes a conclusion that the environment that surrounds a learning area has some influence in the learning process. This environment that interferes can be defined as the surrounding conditions that are related to the execution of the activity. Education can also guide, direct, or control an individual. The child knows no direction appertaining to the life customs of the society that the child has been born and will be brought up in. For the child to grow up in a way that is acceptable to the society some guidance is necessary and this guidance can only be acquired through education. Education is also important in areas such as growth, preparation of the future, conservation etc. Students in schools should also be given opportunities to play.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Consider It Cured Essay Example for Free

Consider It Cured Essay Our caned, very anti-social doctor is in the house. He is not interested in simple medical cases. He loves to solve medical cases that are highly mysterious. He is not a people person. His talented, young medical staffs; his oncologist best friend; the hospital administrator; and even his patients do not escape our doctor’s â€Å"rudeness. † In spite of his not â€Å"very good behavior,† our doctor’s capability to treat mysterious medical cases prove to be indispensable. His expertise is highly respected by his colleagues. That even though our doctor is treating them (medical staffs, oncologist best friend, hospital administrator, and patients) â€Å"harshly,† they could not thank him enough for his great medical ideas. You know who I’m talking about. He is the famous Dr. Gregory House of the TV series Dr. House M. D. The â€Å"success† of the series is not only attributed to Dr. House but to everyone in the house. This medical drama is just one of the many medical dramas that are taking the limelight. These medical dramas expose us to what is happening inside hospital institutions. Or let me be more specific, these medical dramas more or less expose us to different hospital scenarios. Have you been hospitalized? If not, have you been in a hospital? Have you seen real â€Å"actions† in hospitals? Have you seen the commotions of the doctors, nurses, and other medical staffs? Or your ideas on hospital scenarios are based only on medical television dramas? Are these medical dramas happen in real life? Are all mysterious medical cases always solved? Is it true that most patients of mysterious medical cases always survived? What are the real scores in hospitals? What is the real situation in hospitals with actual patients, in hospitals not seen in the limelight? I had been in a hospital several times, visiting a sick member of my family. To be honest, I have never seen an actual breathtaking scenario during those visits. This is good news though. Remember Rescue 911? I used to watch this show because it’s informative. I learned some medical tips. I was able to see actual footages of rescue operations and first aid application. Rescue 911 was able to show the actual procedures on saving patients in cases of emergencies. No doubt, Dr. House is a â€Å"good† doctor in the series. Good† doctor because he has helped a lot of patients. Are all real-life doctors as good as Dr. House? Are all real-life doctors able to treat most of their patients? Do you think medical dramas have changed the image of real-life doctors? Are these changes advantageous or disadvantageous to real-life doctors? How have medical dramas influenced real-life medical cases? More often than not, viewers of medical dramas treat these as real events and situations. These medical dramas affect the way people think of medical cases. Another fact, these medical dramas have changed the image of real-life doctors and nurses. Some might find Dr. House’s qualities to real-life doctors. Others might think that all medical cases are treatable and that most patients can survive any life-threatening situations. Because doctors and nurses in medical dramas are really good (I’m not saying that real-life doctors are not good), some real-life patients expect that nothing is impossible to our real-life doctors. Too much expectation could fail them. Because in real-life, not all diseases are treatable and not all patients can survive. Again, I’m not saying that our real-life doctors are no good. There are many patients too that are treated and survive, and we can credit these successful medical cases in our real-life medical experts. Let me just remind you that the medical dramas we watch are fictional, meaning there is a deviation from the actual situation. These medical dramas are products of very creative and imaginative minds. Thus, these medical dramas are designed to entertain us, not to change the way we think about our real-life doctors. Aside from the entertainment we get in watching a medical drama, the end of each episode often gives us a relief because, our Dr. House did it again. He made the patient, and his or her family, happy. The happy endings make the viewers happy also. Medical dramas could be informative, but we should not get carried away. Best to consult real-life doctors than our medical dramas’ doctors. Here is another should be avoided situation. Medical dramas might influence some patients to rely on the medical dramas’ diagnosis on certain diseases. Again, this is a big NO, NO. Should we find ourselves sick, better visit our doctor and have him/her examine you. Our real-life doctors are the ones authorized to give diagnosis and to give the prescribed medication. Though medical dramas are products of fiction, they are not totally wrong. Directors of these medical dramas consult the expertise of medical practitioners to make the episodes more realistic. Since the lead actors and actresses are not really medical practitioners, to whom are we going to put our confidence if our health condition is at risk? Real-life doctors have undergone lots and lots of training before they could earn their first patient. Medicine is not the normal four-year college course. Sick persons entrust their lives to real-life doctors. A sick person who is admitted in hospitals is hoping that doctors could ease his or her pain, that doctors could cure his or her illness, that doctors could add more years to his or her lives. A doctor has great responsibilities to his or her patients. The experiences of real-life doctors are countless. Each experience has taught them how to become effective and efficient doctors. Survival of the fittest could very much explain how a doctor earned his or her title. Many say that to become a doctor, one has to be very brilliant and very knowledgeable. The truth is, brilliance and knowledge are not enough. Aspiring doctors need a lot of courage, patience, and a very healthy body to withstand pressure and long hours of study. Compare the long hours of medical trainings or real-life doctors to our medical dramas’ â€Å"doctors. † We all know that good actors perform and act well. Good actors should portray their roles effectively for the success of the show. We can prove the effectiveness of an actor’s portrayal when the audience believe and trust him. Same is true for the actors-playing doctors in medical dramas. In fact, they are very good actors. I have no doubt for that. Why? Because some viewers believe in them. Because their portrayal is good, some viewers think of medical dramas as fiction. How long are these actors trained to become â€Å"good† doctors in their medical dramas? Are these long hours of training justifiable enough to trust their diagnosis? With the long years of medical trainings, how come that there are still mortality? How come real-life doctors could not cure all their patients? Recall that Dr. House loves to handle mysterious medical cases. In the event of these mysterious medical cases, not all doctors are successful in finding the correct diagnosis. Like in medical dramas, real-life doctors are also doing their best to save their patients. Like in medical dramas, real-life doctors are also frustrated when their patients die. Like in medical dramas, real-life doctors share with their patients’ happiness after a successful operations or treatments. The day to day events in most city hospitals are not boring. Real-life doctors and nurses are very busy. They could be handling two or more medical cases at the same time. Real-life doctors treat real-life patients. Real-life doctors encounter real-life illnesses. Real-life doctors are always on the move. Since they are in the real-world, they are portraying the role of real-life doctors. The real-life doctors are not the cast of a fiction medical drama. With real-life doctors, we are talking about real or non-fiction medical dramas. These medical dramas are the real ones––the stories of patients who survived and those who do not; and the stories of doctors who continuously serve the needs of sick people. Medical dramas on television have affected the viewers’ point of view in terms of medical issues. This is true to some viewers. There are still viewers who know the difference between fiction and non-fiction; viewers who know what to believe; and viewers who live on reality. But we should bear in mind that when in comes to one’s health, the best person to consult to are medical practitioners. Also bear in mind that fiction can never become non-fiction. Medical dramas can never be applied to real-life situations. There is a big difference between those medical dramas and the real-life situations in hospital. There are no points for comparison because giving entertainment (like what medical dramas do) is totally different from giving treatment and taking good care of humanity’s health (like what doctors do). The main goal of medical dramas, like any other television shows, is to entertain. If they want to educate the viewers, that is another story. But still, we have to choose who to believe. Remember, life is at stake here. We are not doctors to take a risk. Real-life doctors know best.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Powerful Imagery and Themes in The Killer Angels Essay -- Killer Angel

  Ã‚  Ã‚   In The Killer Angels, Michael Shaara fictionally illustrates the historical facts of the battle at Gettysburg. Shaara gives action and words to characters of another time, and then places these players on the stage of this great battle. Through the use of powerful biblical and non-biblical imagery and themes the epic nature of the battle at Gettysburg and its characters are enhanced. Such imagery and themes, combined with Shaara's fictionalization, help to contribute to why this single battle holds such monumental significance and influence upon the lives of Americans over a century removed from its occurrence. In the Foreword, before the battle begins, Shaara starts with a list of the principle players in the upcoming tragic drama of the battle at Gettysburg. Like in a program to a stage play, the armies and the characters are listed before they take the stage. As the curtain opens, the first actor who appears on this stage is the Confederate spy, Harrison, who is actually an actor by profession. Through this solitary and seemingly insignificant man, the reader is taken backstage to witness the drama unfold in person.    Upon meeting General Robert E. Lee, "the spy worshipped" (Shaara 14) Lee as he spoke to the General. Although this behavior of the spy may seem rather excessive, it is consistent with the Confederate troops' attitude towards Lee. To the Confederates, the Civil War was a type of "Holy War" (Shaara 67) and Lee was like God the Father leading them in "the Cause". (Shaara 361) Indeed, even to General Longstreet, Lee's second-in-command, Lee had taken the place of God. (Shaara 134)    Through the use of biblical imagery and themes, the epic proportions of the battle at Ge... ...that what has been will always be a part of what remains. It is doubtful that the curtain will ever close on Gettysburg.    Works Cited "John." Serendipity Bible for Groups: New International Version. 3rd ed. Ed. Lyman Coleman. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1998. 1416-1474. "Luke." Serendipity Bible for Groups: New International Version. 3rd ed. Ed. Lyman Coleman. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1998. 1416-1474. "Matthew." Serendipity Bible for Groups: New International Version. 3rd ed. Ed. Lyman Coleman. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1998. 1326-1377. Shaara, Michael. The Killer Angels. New York: Ballantine Books, 1996. Thoreau, Henry David. "Walden." The Heath Anthology of American Literature. Ed. Paul Lauter. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1998. 2107-2141.    Powerful Imagery and Themes in The Killer Angels Essay -- Killer Angel   Ã‚  Ã‚   In The Killer Angels, Michael Shaara fictionally illustrates the historical facts of the battle at Gettysburg. Shaara gives action and words to characters of another time, and then places these players on the stage of this great battle. Through the use of powerful biblical and non-biblical imagery and themes the epic nature of the battle at Gettysburg and its characters are enhanced. Such imagery and themes, combined with Shaara's fictionalization, help to contribute to why this single battle holds such monumental significance and influence upon the lives of Americans over a century removed from its occurrence. In the Foreword, before the battle begins, Shaara starts with a list of the principle players in the upcoming tragic drama of the battle at Gettysburg. Like in a program to a stage play, the armies and the characters are listed before they take the stage. As the curtain opens, the first actor who appears on this stage is the Confederate spy, Harrison, who is actually an actor by profession. Through this solitary and seemingly insignificant man, the reader is taken backstage to witness the drama unfold in person.    Upon meeting General Robert E. Lee, "the spy worshipped" (Shaara 14) Lee as he spoke to the General. Although this behavior of the spy may seem rather excessive, it is consistent with the Confederate troops' attitude towards Lee. To the Confederates, the Civil War was a type of "Holy War" (Shaara 67) and Lee was like God the Father leading them in "the Cause". (Shaara 361) Indeed, even to General Longstreet, Lee's second-in-command, Lee had taken the place of God. (Shaara 134)    Through the use of biblical imagery and themes, the epic proportions of the battle at Ge... ...that what has been will always be a part of what remains. It is doubtful that the curtain will ever close on Gettysburg.    Works Cited "John." Serendipity Bible for Groups: New International Version. 3rd ed. Ed. Lyman Coleman. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1998. 1416-1474. "Luke." Serendipity Bible for Groups: New International Version. 3rd ed. Ed. Lyman Coleman. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1998. 1416-1474. "Matthew." Serendipity Bible for Groups: New International Version. 3rd ed. Ed. Lyman Coleman. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1998. 1326-1377. Shaara, Michael. The Killer Angels. New York: Ballantine Books, 1996. Thoreau, Henry David. "Walden." The Heath Anthology of American Literature. Ed. Paul Lauter. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1998. 2107-2141.   

Monday, November 11, 2019


Chick-fil-A is one of the most successful fast food restaurant establishments in the country. With over 1,300 locations in 37 states in the Southern U. S. , they continue to grow the brand by expanding to new territories (Chick-fil-A Company, 2009, para 1). In 2008 Chick-fil-A has seen a 12. 17 percent sales increase over the chain’s 2007 performance and a same store sale increase of 4. 59 percent (Chick-fil-A Company, 2009, para1). Throughout the years Chick-fil-A has come up with many innovative ideas to continue expanding business and satisfying their loyal customers. One of the ideas was to offer different types of restaurant set-ups to cater to customer’s needs. The different restaurant set-ups include mall/in line, stand-alone, drive-thru only outlets, dwarf houses, Truett’s grills, licensed non-traditional outlets (franchises) and satellite/lunch-counter. After proper research of different geographical locations the writer has decided to buy into a chic-fil-A franchise zoned in the Columbia County, Grovetown area. Executive Summary Chick-fil-A’s mission is â€Å"to be America's best quick-service restaurant at winning and keeping customers† (ChristiaNet, 2009, para 2). We will strive to be the premier fast food franchise of its kind in the North East market with future goals of expanding into our European territories. Our goal is to keep one step ahead of the competition by offering a clean environment, dynamic customer service, and overall quality products and services. Chick -fil-A's purpose statement reveals the heart of the company: â€Å"That we might glorify God by being a faithful steward in all that is entrusted to our care, and that we might have a positive influence on all the people that we might come in contact with† (ChristiaNet, 2009, para 2). We want our customers to experience the highest level of satisfaction there is to offer during their visit at our franchise. We will deliver a quality controlled atmosphere with efficient state-of-the art appliances, and provide extraordinary customer service so that every customer will benefit from our success. Identify the marketing segment for the product and explain why this segment was selected; The location selected to launch the Chik-fil-a franchise will be in Columbia county centrally located in Grovetown. This area was selected because of its potential profitability. Potential profitability is a function of the current market size, its anticipated growth, current and anticipated levels of competition, and customer behavior and expectations (lacobucci, 2010 ). Columbia County’s rapid growth has transformed this county from a rural neighbor of Augusta to the major suburban county in the second largest metropolitan area in Georgia (Columbia County, 2009, para 1). There a re many reasons for their rapid growth – a growing and diversified job market, a premier school system, affordable land, open spaces lending an air of the countryside, and a stable, conservative county government. Columbia County is predominantly residential and includes a highly-skilled workforce. According to Federal census figures released over the past decade, Columbia is the region's fastest growing county. However, there are still some improvements needed for the revolving community. As stated above Grovetown is a city on the move, constantly reinventing itself to appeal to a variety of residents. However, there are improvements needed that would make the Grovetown area more marketable. Currently there aren’t enough eating places in close proximity to residents living west of the county which is considered Grovetown. There is only one Mexican and Chinese restaurant, a McDonald’s, Subway, and KFC in the community. Surrounding areas offer a larger variety of fast food and dining restaurants but the closest Chic-fil-A is about 10 miles away from the Grovetown area. There are currently only six chik-fil-A locations throughout the city of Augusta which is not considered many at all. That is going to give the entrepreneur a huge advantage at start-up that there is not many other chik-fil-A’s close by and throughout the city. Being that Chick-fil-A is America’s number one choice of fast food, the others don’t stand a chance. Discuss the target market and why these customers will be targeted; The target market will include residents living in the Grovetown/Harlem area and also the army base, Ft. Gordon located approximately 2 miles from the Gate 2 Grovetown entrance. Military personnel make up the vast majority of residents living in the Grovetown area. Ft. Gordon also serves as a training base for new soldiers coming into service so there is a large market segment being targeted. Ft. Gordon only has a Blimpe’s, Popeye’s, Burger King, Godfather’s pizza, Chinese, and Huddle House. Based on the current market, Chik-fil-a will have a huge competitive advantage. With sickness rapidly attacking the bodies of young and older adults healthier alternatives are taken into consideration. Exercise with a combination of healthier diets is now a priority of much of America. Chik-fil-a will be one of the healthier alternatives that Grovetown will welcome hole-heartedly. What’s better than to start your morning with a custom cup of coffee and a low calorie breakfast sandwich? Adding the franchise here will attract morning employees heading to work, 3rd shift workers heading home from work, and many customers in between are most likely to choose Chick-fil-A over McDonald’s and Subway on any given day. Conduct a SWOT (strengths, weakness, opportunities and treats) analysis for the company; SWOT Analysis Chick-fil-A is a unique position of competition. We compete against neighborhood fast food chains such as McDonald’s, KFC, and Subway. However, there is really no threat against America’s preferred fast food restaurants, Chik-fil-a. Offering numerous low calories, fat free items, Chick-fil-A has the best competitive advantage. The benefits and drawbacks of each of our competitors as compared with the services we offer are hardly a match in quality and price. When it comes to nutrition, McDonald’s falls short of the victory over Chick-fil-A. However, McDonalds wills serve as our most stiff competition. In addition to hamburgers, fries, and soft drinks, McDonalds offer grilled chicken sandwiches, an array of salads, Fruit ‘n Yogurt Parfaits, Apple Dippers with Low Fat Caramel Dip, juice, 1% low fat milk, and, at many restaurants, soups (McDonalds Nutrition, 2009, para 5). It has helped McDonalds tremendously; however, Chik-fil-A’s healthier choices are a bit more pleasing to the taste buds. On the other hand, Subway has proven to have a nutritional advantage over Chick-fil-A but the quality of service or product does not add up to exceed it’s customer base. KFC has surely stepped up their competitive edge by comparing their items to its competitor analyzed by its calorie value. If you go to the KFC website it displays the meal choices and calorie values of McDonalds, Subway and Dunkin Donuts against its new grilled chicken meal. Chick-fil-A was not one of the selected fast food components that KFC could compare itself to. Chick-fil-A’s main strategy is to focus on providing a quality controlled tmosphere for the customer with extraordinary customer service while gaining loyal customers. McDonald’s is focusing on growing market share with a disciplined pricing strategy to provide great tasting food at an affordable price (McDonalds Media Center, 2009, para 3). Chick-fil-A understands that the customer drives the business and that most important is to satisfy the customer through superb customer service by offering extensive training to their employees. The writer can attest that competitor’s such as McDonalds, KFC, and Subway can all use improvement in this area. Another competitive edge is our involvement within the community. We will always oblige to be a sponsor for any charitable activities going on in our community. Chick-fil-A and McDonalds are heard more in the media providing programs and sponsorships for their employees and charity events. The residential outlets are continuing to grow tremendously in Columbia County offering Chik-fil-a great opportunities and sponsorship possibilities. Describe the market position for your product and service. A quality that distinguishes chik-fil-A from there fast food competitor’s is it’s commitment to the customer and as a result they have been honored with three Customer service based awards. Product quality is another area that has an effect on the volume of business. If customers are accustomed to receiving quality produced products they are motivated to buy from the supplier because they know what they can expect each time. That is important element in fast food chains. Who wants to drive away from the restaurant with cold food? Complete turn off for the customer and it is sure to leave a bad taste in their mouth for this particular restaurant. In surveys conducted by Marketing and Research Counselors, Inc. Chick-fil-A’s core menu products, including the Chick-fil-A Chicken Sandwich, Chick-fil-A Chicken Nuggets and Chik-fil-A Chick-n-Strips, have consistently ranked number one in their respective categories (Chick-fil-A: Food, 2007). So chik-fil-a will provide the market with products that are favorable by much of America. The â€Å"Eat Mor Chikin† campaign has increased the chain’s sales five-fold. The chain has turned the theme into a fully integ rated marketing program, which includes store point-of-purchase materials, promotions, radio and TV advertising, and clothing and merchandise sales (Chick-fil-A: The Cows, 2007, para 1 ). Chick-fil-A’s marketing presence is here to stay. The company currently has more than 1,380 restaurants in 37 states and Washington, D. C. and enjoyed an aggressive expansion year, opening 80 new restaurants in 2007 (Chick-fil-A Company, 2007, para ). It’s just a matter of time before this company takes its business global and leaves its competitor’s in the wind. Product/Services America loves Chick-fil-A because it can fit into almost any healthy diet through moderation and balanced menu choices. The Chick-fil-A menu offers 10 menu items with 10 or fewer grams of fat. Foods are also cooked in 100 percent refined peanut oil which is naturally trans-fat and cholesterol free (Chick-fil-A: Food, 2007). So not only are the â€Å"eat mor chikin† products delicious, but nutritious as well. Chick-fil-A’s current marketing plan is a huge success. Chock-full a sponsors many events including the Chick-fil-A Bowl, the Atlantic Coast, Southeastern and Big 12 Conferences and Chick-fil-A Kyle Petty Charity Ride Across America sponsorships have introduced new audiences to the brand (Chick-fil-A, 2009, para 6). The company participates in many charities around town and always seen in the community volunteering time and making a difference. For the most part prices do not change within a 12 month period. Products offered coincide with all Chick-fil-A locations, however, services vary. We take pride in offering our customers the best service so we will honor product prices that are currently held at the corporate offices.ReferencesChristiaNet. (2009) Chick-fil-A CEO, S. Truett Cathy. Retrieved December 7, 2009, from http://christiannews.christianet.com/1097585115.htm Columbia County. (2009) Columbia County Georgia General Information . Retrieved December 5, 2009, from http://www.columbiacountyga.gov/ Hoovers Inc. (2009) Chick-fil-A, Inc.- Overveiw. Retrieved December 7, 2009, from http://www.hoovers.com/company/Chick-fil-A_Inc/hrfkki-1.html Iacobucci, D. (2011). Marketing management: 2010 custom edition. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. McDonalds. (2009) McDonalds Media Center . Ret rieved December 9. 2009, from http://www.mcdonalds.com/usa/eat.html McDonalds. (2009) McDonalds Health, Fitness, and Nutrition . Retrieved December 9. 2009, from http://www.mcdonalds.com/usa/eat.html Waiter on the Way. (2009) Chick-fil-a Southwest. Retrieved December 11, 2009, from http://www.waiterontheway.biz/Chick-fil-a%20Southwest

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Case Study of Soren

1. Define the problem (from student’s perspective) 2. Ensure safety (including assessing potential for self-harm) 3. Provide support 4. Examine alternatives 5. Make a plan 6. Obtain a commitment (including no-harm agreement where applicable) Tragedy struck a small west Texas town Saturday when beloved Lubbock Christian School (LCU) superintendent, Peter Dahlstrom, accidentally shot and killed his nine year old granddaughter, Soren, while rabbit hunting on the family farm. The entire community has been shocked by this tragedy and the effects of the incident will be felt in the community for some time.Many people in the community will benefit from crisis intervention techniques during this time. I have applied Robinson’s Crisis Response Model for successful crisis intervention to develop a plan of action to help teachers, students, and faculty through this difficult time. The model suggests the following six steps: 1) Define the problem; 2) Ensure safety, including assess ing potential for self-harm; 3) Provide support; 4) Examine alternatives; 5) Make a plan; and 6) Obtain a commitment, including a no-harm agreement where applicable.The first phase of the crisis intervention plan is to inform as many people of the issue as quickly as possible. To quickly reach as many people as possible, the crisis team sent out an email to inform parents as immediately after the accident occurred. It would be best if the children are not blind-sided by the information at school on Monday morning. I expect several of the students and faculty members to go through the 5 classic stages of grief identified by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross (1969), which are: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.Sometimes this can be a slow process, so I think some students and teachers will require on-going help to process this tragic loss of life. My plan involves the following crisis intervention steps: 1. Have a Staff Pre-meeting first thing Monday morning: a. Invite all the staff who feels affected by the crisis. I feel it is important to include part-time teachers, bus drivers, playground supervisors, janitors, secretaries, and any other workers who would like to join. b. Keep communications open and give facts on the situation, as appropriate within the bounds of confidentiality.Prepare a handout for staff not in attendance. c. Share reactions and feelings with one another, taking time for mutual support. The school crisis team shares information on grief, and answers the questions and concerns of the staff. d. Give a plan for the day that has been prepared by the crisis team. 2. Prior to the first active school day How to tell Students e. Decide which students are to be told. f. Confirm what information they will be told. g. Decide who will tell the students. h. Outline the procedures for how they will be told. i.Discuss how they may react and what to do. 3. The Debriefing Meeting: A meeting with staff at the end of the day to discuss how the day w ent for both students and staff. 4. Activities to Discourage: Large assemblies or public address announcements – these make it difficult to provide support to students on an individual basis. When he Lubbock Christian School community mourned the loss of a student and the pain of their leader. â€Å"This is a great tragedy for our school,† said Brian Pitaniello, chairman of the Lubbock Christian School's Board of Trustees.Pitaniello said Peter Dahlstrom has worked as superintendent of the school for 17 years. â€Å"He is a spiritual leader for our school; he loves our kids,† he said. Hundreds of students, teachers parents and friends of the Dahlstroms gathered for a student-organized prayer vigil in honor of the family Saturday morning in the school's auditorium. â€Å"That just shows the impact this family had on our school,† Pitaniello said. â€Å"This school and this community loves this were answered by a family friend who said the family did not wis h to speak with the media. family. and our heart breaks for this family.We hurt for her family for a loss of a child as well as for the loss of a classmate and the loss of a student. † School administrators sent an email to parents early Saturday informing them of the incident. Parents were told grief counselors would be available for students. Parents of third-graders were urged to meet with a children's grief counselor at 8 a. m. Monday morning at the school to help mothers and fathers feel more confident in talking with their children about the tragedy. Classes were expected to go on as scheduled Monday. Phone calls to the Dahlstrom house in Anton . k. Student and staff contact with the media while at school – media contacts can be disruptive and sometimes insensitive. Direct all media to the public information officer or representative. l. Removing belongings of the deceased- this is best done gradually and can include family members and friends. Having concrete rem inders in the classroom can help teachers and students let go gradually. m. Staying rigid with regard to curriculum and scheduling – reactions will vary, from needing flexibility to needing structure. Decisions must be made on an individual basis. n.Not communicating with students, staff, parents and community on unfolding events. o. Treating the death of students differently because of status or community position, etc. 5. Safety Valves p. Make sure there are enough staff and school crisis team members to support all who may need it. It's much better to have more than you need, than to need, more than you have. q. Designate a safe room for anyone wanting a place to go to, if needed. Make sure everyone knows its purpose and location. r. Hold a debriefing meeting at the end of the day to give people a place to process the day and receive support and validation. bnnhb

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Types of Tests

Types of Tests Tests are a necessary aspect of teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL). For an educator it is crucial to monitor the progress of the learners and be aware of difficulties they may experience.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Types of Tests specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Testing is a suitable way for the teacher to observe the learner’s success and failure and make conclusions considering the methods and approaches implemented for each specific learner or class (Hancock, 2006). There are a number of various tests designed to determine the learners’ progress in each aspect of English such as proficiency, vocabulary, skills and knowledge, theoretical and practical application of language. This paper focuses on ten different types of tests and their use for TESOL. Proficiency tests are normally composed of several levels. This is done in order to determine the learner’s proficiency in various spheres such as grammar, vocabulary, and text comprehension. Tests of thins kind are based on multiple choice scheme so the learner needs to select one of the offered answers. The questions of such test are selected in order to target different aspects of the English grammar and also the learners’ ability to read and understand written text. Proficiency tests are good for TESOL educators because they serve as a perfect tool for monitoring general progress, the efficiency of various teaching methods and the level of knowledge and skills of learners at various stages. Diagnostic tests are rather specific; they are also recognised as progress tests. They are called this way because they are designed to diagnose certain aspects of language and the level of the learners’ progress (Gonzalez, 1996).Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The tests of this type are often conducted in the end of a unit and are directed at the determination of the knowledge the students acquired and the skills they obtained. These tests are normally based on short-term objectives. Since teaching English to the speakers of other languages is always broken down into units, diagnostic tests serve as useful means to estimate the quality of learning and to determine if the students can move on to the next stage based on their progress level. Placement tests represent a particular kind of diagnostic tests (Brown, 2003). They are designed to cover the materials within a certain curriculum. They are conducted with the purpose to determine where the students are to be placed in relation to the information studied by specific learners. In TESOL this kind of tests is useful because they help to save time and effort to both educators and students and place the learners exactly where they need to pick up from instead of making them go through certain materials for the secon d time. Achievement tests can be viewed as a kind of progress or diagnostic tests because the main objective of these tests is to evaluate the knowledge of a learner within a particular curriculum, program or unit. The length of the period of time covering certain material or program evaluated by the test is indefinite, and this is why the tests are called â€Å"achievement† instead of â€Å"progress†. Achievement tests are oriented at the evaluation of specific kinds of knowledge, which is useful in TESOL because this allows estimating the quality of the program, and its suitability for the learners.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Types of Tests specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Language aptitude tests are important in TESOL, they are conducted even before the learning starts in order to determine each specific learner’s ability to learn and comprehend foreign languages which varies from one in dividual to another. The tests of this kind are not very popular in the present days because of ethical reasons (Gonzalez, 1996). These tests tend to create bias for the teachers and students and they are viewed as invalid since they are conducted prior to actual language teaching and learning experience. Testing is recognised as norm-referenced when a mark is given to a learner (Brown, 2003). This way, the individual performance of each student is related to that of the remaining members of the class. This way of testing is applied because the progress and skill of each learner need to be placed on a certain position within the class. In TESOL giving marks is vital for the awareness of progress and failure for both teachers and students. In criterion-referenced testing the progress of an individual learner is not compared to that of other students, but is matched against a set of criteria which are designed to determine the level of knowledge. In TESOL the criteria are designed to create a frame of what the learner should be able to do at a certain stage of their learning process. The special feature of these tests is that they do not facilitate competition between the learners and focus of the positive effect of learning. In TESOL English language is broken down into four skills which are reading, writing, speaking and listening and seven linguistic components spelling, grammar, syntax, morphology, phonology, graphology and vocabulary.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Discrete-item tests are designed to evaluate these parts separately which provides the learners with more specific understanding of the difficulties a learner may experience. Global/integrative tests, on the contrary, are designed to view language as a whole. They do not separate the components from the context. This way, the learner’s ability to apply and combine many elements at the same time is evaluated. This approach towards testing considers the separate evaluation of the components as inadequate. Communicative language testing is designed in order to evaluate the learner’s ability to communicate certain information to other people and also to be able to comprehend the information received from other speakers (Gonzalez, 1996). Communicative testing normally concerns both written and spoken language skills and knowledge. The results of communicative languages tests are evaluated based on the quality but not the quantity of communication. The purpose of this kind o f testing is to determine the learner’s ability to apply the theoretical knowledge from their lessons in practice which requires levels of creativity. Such testing is focused on the content, integration and interactivity. In TESOL such tests are vital because they evaluate the levels of learners’ preparation for the independent application of their knowledge. In any kind of teaching testing is recognised to be one of the most controversial aspects. At the same time, it is one of the most important areas of teaching. It is impossible to determine an English language testing method which could be called the best. Testing methods are selected based on the individual choice of each educator based on the goals they pursue. There are five principles of language assessment; they are reliability, validity, authenticity, practicality and washback. The efficient test method is the one that aims for the highest levels of these features. Reference List Brown, H. D. (2003). Languag e assessment: Principles and classroom practices.  Harlow, United Kingdom: Longman. Gonzalez, A. B. (1996). Testing English as a foreign language: An overview an some  methodological considerations. RESLA, 11, 17-49. Hancock, C. R. (2006). Language Teaching and Language Testing: a way and ways  to make appropriate connections. Accion Pedagogica, 15, 6-13.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Emerald Energy Plc Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Emerald Energy Plc - Case Study Example The revenue earnings of Emerald Energy have shown a sharp increase during the year 2008 as compared to the previous year. The increase is significant to the extent of 94% over the sales revenue for the year 2008. The change in the sales revenue during the year 2007 as compared with 2006 is showing a decline of 3.38% over 2006 figures. This trend is depicted in the following graph. The ability of a firm to generate profits can be assessed by working out the profitability ratios for a historical period and by analyzing the sources of income. The gross profit margin, operating profit margin and net income as a percentage of total turnover presents a realistic view of the firm's ability to generate profits. "Profitability ratios offer several different measures of the success of the firm at generating profits." (NetMBA, 2007) The ratios worked out for the Company and the ratio derived for the industry from the published sources are presented below: The above table indicates that the profitability o... The gross margin has increased mainly because of the increase in the sales revenue due to higher prices of petroleum products during early 2008. The increase in gross margin can be traced to the lower cost of sales. The cost of sales for the year 2008 was 29.25% as against 69.92% for the year 2007. This accounts for the steep increase in the gross margin as well as the increase in the operating and net margins. The increase in the profitability can be observed from the following graph. Return on Shareholder's Equity (ROE) The return on shareholder's equity ratio is another important investment valuation ratio used by the investors to evaluate the profitability of the company and its ability to generate earnings by utilizing the capital invested by the equity shareholders. This ratio is considered as more meaningful to the investors. The return on shareholder's equity has increased significantly over the three year period. Presently as per the latest financial information available on the company, the return on shareholder's equity ratio is stated as 28.45% while the ratio for the industry stands at 17.53 (Reuters, 2009). Analysis of Operating Efficiency The working Capital ratios indicate how well the company is able to manage its working capital. "The asset management ratios are also known as working capital ratios or the efficiency ratios. The aim is to measure how effectively the firm is managing its assets." (NetTom, n.d.) The efficiency ratios for Emerald Energy are exhibited below: 2006 2007 2008 Industry Receivables Turnover (Times) 12.06 9.41 5.76 12.26 Total Assets Turnover

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The process of investigating Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The process of investigating - Essay Example Thereafter, a comprehensive step of gathering evidence follows (Walters and Petroni, Pg 9).Evidence forms the most critical part of the whole process, since a verdict is made by using the available evidence. The process of gathering adequate evidence always needs the highest level of organization and enthusiasm on the issues at hand in order to get the relevant evidence that can be used to make that just and fair judgment. It remains one of the main steps that will go a long way in enhancing skills of the people involved in spearheading the investigation. These are possible for the fact that the process involves a step-by-step process that will rely on the comprehensive handling of the preceding step in order to make the right move forward (Baryamureeba and Florence Pg, 18). Thus, an investigator has to uphold up to standard organizational skills to ensure a smooth, coherent and comprehensive investigation concerning the issues. At the end of the day, the investigator perfects the skill of organizing self on the way they handle their activities not only in that particular investigation, but also in ones life as a whole. After enough evidence are gathered, the findings are then used to make a decision on the way forward from that issue. At this point, the people involved get the fairest verdict on whatever they are involved in, which is a great step towards helping the community at large. People get just and fair treatment in any kind of issues where proper investigation is involved because there is adequate knowledge about those issues. Mental awareness of both the investigator and the client involved is increased with comprehensive use of these steps to conduct an investigation. Mental awareness is crucial for the fact that acceptance of the outcomes of issues is very reliant on the clients mental stability after a verdict is made. With adequate information

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Develop the skills of sustainability in the design of buildings in Essay

Develop the skills of sustainability in the design of buildings in Saudi Arabia - Essay Example his paper reveals the great benefits and the actual need for this type of construction to maintain the natural resources and to make our future cities friendly to the environment. Furthermore, this paper seeks to review the regulations of sustainability and design of green buildings in more than one country and organizations involved. Also under review are the plans that have been successful for the transition to sustainable construction, and the solutions that have been used for the development of sustainability in the cities both scientifically and practically. In 2012, at the third session of the Forum of Green Buildings, which was held in the city of Riyadh, capital of Saudi Arabia, King Abdullah, King of the country adopted an initiative for green buildings and he set many recommendations to facilitate the business for those interested in this type of project which is friendly to both the humans and the environment as a whole. Also, he recommended for shifts to the practices and foundations of professional cognitive, and highlighted the business and investment opportunities in engineering creativity and innovation fields within the Kingdom. After this initiative, action plans have been processed by the Green Buildings Chapter of Saudi Council of Engineers, where the Green Buildings Chapter has got financial support to achieve the recommendations in regards to the Kings initiative. In this literature paper, there is an attempt to develop the sustainability skills in the design of the buildings by Architects and Engineers who work in Saudi Arabia. According to the Secretary-General of the King Abdullah’s Initiative for green buildings, Faisal A., (Alarabiya.net.2013) the total investments in sustainable buildings (green building) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia which amounts to 100 billion riyals, was pumped in 76 projects. Out of the 76, 43 were in the city of Riyadh, which won the lions share, most notably due to the SABIC mining project. Also, he pointed

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Evaluating the Impact of Zero Tolerance Policing Essay

Evaluating the Impact of Zero Tolerance Policing - Essay Example Attention will be given to what zero tolerance policing encompasses and the theoretical context underlining the topic. The project will also touch upon the several aspects where the strategy is acclaimed, for instance the first application in New York, United States and its effectiveness in reducing crimes, also the approach widespread to the United Kingdom. Nevertheless, in order to, effectively discuss the impact of the approach if it is implemented by the Metropolis Police Service, questionable results of its application in New York and other relevant areas will be discussed. Presented will be a critical review on the effectiveness of the Zero Tolerance Policing using the available research and literature guide, also a theoretical framework behind the project. Concluding will be a recommendation given through a comprehensive study of the evidence collected through the methodological choices made and the data analysis techniques selected on the impact the approach will have to the city of Metropolis once it is implemented by the police service. The discussion on the impact of Zero Tolerance Policing is essential due to the rising concern of whom the approach specifically targets as a crime reduction strategy, specifically focusing on the underclass and the minorities in the society that has deteriorated community relations and has contributed to mistrust towards the police. Moreover, there are deep concerns that the approach fails to address underlying causes of crime that makes it essentially counterproductive in regard to a crime reduction strategy. Therefore, to address some of these issues, the projects will aim at addressing several case studies of Police departments that have implemented the strategy and the outcome they got, in an effort of evaluating the impact Zero Tolerance Policing it will have to the society once Metropolis Police Service implement the strategy.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Analysis of Role-based Access Control (RBAC)

Analysis of Role-based Access Control (RBAC) ABSTRACT Access control systems within an enterprise system are used to control the actions, functions, applications, and operations of legitimate users within an organization and to protect the integrity of the information stored within the system. Role-based access control (RBAC) is a relatively new access control system that maps to organizational-specific structures in a way that reduces administrative costs and improves security. Although role-based security models have existed for 20 years, their application has until recently been limited. We try to give a comparison between RBAC and traditional access control models and try to evaluate the different industries where these models can be utilized. We try to evaluate the NIST RBAC model as a standard for implementing RBAC and show the implementation by developing an application which uses RBAC for authentication and authorization for the computer system to be accessed. This also involves a discussion for different variations of the Role Based Access Control models according to NIST. INTRODUCTION Access control is generally concerned with determining what users and groups of users can perform which operations on certain resources [10][1][11]. The fundamental problem is that each system and application for which access control is enforced has a proprietary method for creating and managing users, groups, and a system specific meaning of operations and objects. For many organizations, the number of systems can be in the hundreds or even thousands, the number of users can range from hundreds to the hundreds of thousands, and the number of resources that must be protected can easily exceed a million. Organizations large IT infrastructure is a mix of hugely complex and incompatible operating systems, applications and databases spread all over the world. The organizations these days have a huge number of employees which keep increasing or decreasing all the time according to the organizations need. It also has a working interaction with contractors, business partners, and customers, all of whom require access to various parts of the infrastructure. Most of the companies rely on manual or semi-automated administration of users, controlling their access to privileges for various resources on a particular system. This will inevitably become very complex and completely unmanageable if the organization is huge and the number of users of the system is in thousands or more. Often, different systems will have their own set of access requirements with different sets of administrators who will have overlapping skill-sets, leading to poor use of resources. This creates an enormous administrat ive overhead e.g. If there is a single administrator who needs to update even 25% of thousands of users everyday, it will almost be impossible for the system admin to do so. Furthermore, if multiple administrators are acquired for this job it could cause conflicts so the system becomes almost impossible to handle and maintain. Also, it would cost much more than if you were to have a single administrator. As the complexity of the organizations IT infrastructure increases, the demand for access control administration across the enterprise outgrows the capacity of manual administration across the distributed systems. Increased administrative complexity can also result in increased errors that, in turn, can lead to increased security risks. It is best suited to use the access control models to restrict unauthorized access and avoid any security risks. Access Control Models have long been used in enterprise systems and ERPs so that the system is made secure and reliable, restricting access to sensitive and confidential information resources from unauthorised users [10]. Different access control models are suited for different business applications and industries depending upon the scale and complexity of the system being developed. This report will try to analyze the different types of access control models as discussed above, that may be suitable for a variety of businesses and industry applications, giving their features, benefits and classification. This document will be covering many issues related to access control and various access control models. The critical analysis of each of the traditional access control model will be provided as well as the comparisons with each other identifying their advantages and drawbacks. The industry specific implementation of each of the model will also be discussed i.e. which model is suited for which kind of industry and what models should be selected depending on the scale of the system. Then the more recent access control model which is being widely utilized nowadays will be discussed in more detail and its different versions will be evaluated. Also role-based access control will be discussed in different environments i.e. in a centralized application environment and also in a distributed application environment. In the end, there will be an implementation of the appropriate access control model for a particular industry application called BOS (Back Office System) that is a travel agency. This application will support the day to day business operations of the organization. The model used for this application will be Role-Based access control as the structure and requirements of the business will be supported using this RBAC. It does not require the ACLs of DAC and it does not need the high security of MAC because the access privileges can be interchangeable between the users of the system. BACKGROUND Access Control Models have long been used in enterprise systems and ERPs so that the system is made secure and reliable, restricting access to sensitive and confidential information resources from unauthorised users. The basic need of access control is to protect the system and its contents from intentional and unintentional damage, theft and unauthorised disclosure. The access control models that have been used in the recent decades are traditional access control models which are Access Control Lists (ACLs), Discretionary Access Control (DAC) and Mandatory Access Control. Role Based Access Control (RBAC) is a more recent access control model which provides an alternative for the traditional access control models. The most appropriate way to restrict access of resources from unauthorized users of the system is to use one of the traditional access control models as a means of implementing secure and reliable access for that system. There are many access control models present in this age of time which cater to different needs and provide different type of security depending on the nature, scale and type of the application as well as the industry for which the application is being implemented for. Traditional access control models base access control on the discretion of the owner or administrator of the data. Under all traditional models, an end-users identity determines which access permissions are needed. This section gives a brief introduction to the predominant traditional access control models as well as some of the more recent models that have been utilized more recently. We discuss these models in more detail in the later sections: Access control lists (ACLs). Discretionary Access Control (DAC). Mandatory Access Control (MAC). Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). Access Control Lists ACLs is one of the most common access control model being used for securing operating systems, applications, computer resources and networks. When ACLs is selected as a model for implementing access control, each resource that needs to be secured has a list of users associated with them who are authorized to access the resource and even modify and make changes in it if they are allowed to. ACLs as a model provides ease of access for the security administrator to see which users have access to which resource within the application or system. Also, modifying access to a piece of information is relatively simple; a security administrator can simply modify a user from the ACL list that is a user can be created, edited or even deleted easily. There is a corresponding ACL present for every data or application, but it is not necessary to have a corresponding list that gives the network administrator information on all of the pieces of information to which a particular user has access. The only way for the security administrator to find out about any potential security violations on a particular data has to be checked by accessing each of the data individually. If the security administrator wants to revoke all the access privileges for a certain user, the administrator has to examine each list and then have to remove the user from each of the lists one by one. Responsibilities for a user in an organisation may change, in this kind of scenario this model becomes more complicated and hard to manage. Instead of removing the user from every ACL, the network administrator has to determine which permission needs to be removed, modified or added somewhere according to the new position of the user in the organisation. In some situations the user can be grouped together in the list making it easier to change the ACL by just modifying the group information rather than each of the users individually. In some other cases elaborate rules can be applied to ACLs to restrict access to particular resource. Discretionary Access Control Using Access Control Lists Discretionary Access Control The user who owns the data is the one who control access to that data in the discretionary access control model. ACL is a model which is derived from DAC. DAC is a means of restricting access to objects based on the identity of subjects and/or groups to which they belong. The controls are discretionary in the sense that a user or process given discretionary access to information is capable of passing that information along to another subject [1]. Discretionary Access Control is used to stop the user from accessing the protected objects on the system. The user may also be restricted to a subset of the possible access types available for those protected objects. Access types are the operations which are performed on an object by a user, the operations include read, write and execute. Usually an object belongs to a user or a user is the owner of that object, this means that only the owner of the object has the authority to distribute and revoke access to that object. The owner of the object may give and retain access to the objects they control based on the rules of the DAC. The identity of users and objects is the fundamental basis for controlling access in a system within this model i.e. DAC specifies which users have access to which part of the information. Mandatory Access Control Mandatory Access Control is different from other access control models in a way that the security it provides is based on hierarchy and assigns each subject and object a specific security level (e.g., classified, secret, top secret etc.). The rules that govern the access to a particular for this model are: No read up. No write down or (own level write only). Read down access gives users the ability to access any piece of information that is at or below their own security level. If a user has a secret security level, they are able to access secret and classified material but not top secret material. Write up access states that a subjects clearance must be dominated by the security level of the data or information generated. For example, someone with a secret clearance can only write things that are secret or top secret. With these two access control principles, information can only flow across security levels or up security levels [1]. Mandatory Access Control Role Based Access Control In traditional access control models the approach for granting access to resources within a particular system or an application is to specify permission for each of the user within an organization. If the user is allowed to have access to multiple resources or information within a system, the user must be assigned permissions for each of the resource. This approach is tricky and not the most reliable way of implementing access control. When users join, leave or change responsibilities within an organization, each of the users who changes status within the organization that users access privileges information must be updated for each of the permissions. Achieving the above requires a lot of resources, time and also is prone to errors as an organization can have hundreds of thousands of employees and updating each of the users information one by one is not an efficient way. RBAC get rids of this problem because it takes advantage of the users role as the key to access rather than the u sers identification. The basis for role-based model is the user-role and permission-role relationships. Each user in a role-based environment may be assigned to multiple roles, and each role may have multiple users as well. The roles that are assigned to a user depend on their job and responsibilities, and each role is assigned permissions according to roles access privileges in the organization. Permissions determine the data and applications that may be accessed by which are also assigned to a role and that role is assigned to a user or multiple users. Users role can be in many forms e.g. jobs like (bank teller, bank manager), geographic locations (London, Newcastle) or individuals (shift supervisor, managers). The advantage of using this model is that users keep changing with in the organization whereas on the other hand roles or job responsibilities for a particular role remain the same. Therefore rather than implementing the security on the users manually, roles are created which are assigned to use rs and any addition in a job specification is changed in the role description which in turn changes the all the user with that role. RBAC is a technology that offers an alternative to traditional discretionary access control (DAC) and mandatory access control (MAC) policies. RBAC allows companies to specify and enforce security policies that map naturally to the organizations structure. That is, the natural method for assigning access to information in a company is based on the individuals need for the information, which is a function of his job, or role, within the organization. RBAC allows a security administrator to use the natural structure of the organization to implement and enforce security policy. This model decreases the cost of network administration while improving the enforcement of network security policies. RBAC is designed to centrally manage privileges by providing layers of abstractions that are mapped one-to-many to real users and real operations and real resources. Managing permissions in terms of the abstractions reduces complexity and provides visualization and a context for implementing complex access control policies. Abstractions can be centrally managed resulting in real permissions on real systems. Role-Based Access Control Discretionary Access Control (DAC) In a computer system, access controls restrict subjects (users and/or processes) to performing only those operations on objects (e.g., files) for which they are authorized. For each such operation, the access controls either allow or disallow that operation to be performed [3]. DAC model works on the basis that only the owner of a resource has the capability to authorize other users to have access to the same resource. This means that the users who do not have access to a particular resource and wants access to it, only the owner of that resource has the right to give access to them. In Discretionary Access Controls (DACs), each object has an owner who exercises primary control over the object. ACL is one of the mechanisms which can be used to implement DAC and is one of the most widely used implementation for DAC. The access of information in DAC is based on the users identity and the rules that specify the users ability to have access to a certain protected resource or information. On the other hand ACLs are lists that specify users access privileges for the protected objects. DAC consists of set of rules which specify a users ability to access restricted resource or information. When a user wants access to a particular resource or information, the server searches the rule which specifies the users ability to have access to the particular resource which it wants access to. If the rule is found and there is a match for the user to have access than the user is allowed access to the resource, if there no match then the access for the resource to the user is denied . For example, there may be a rule which states that users from a certain group is not allowed to have access to a certain piece of information. Discretionary access control (DAC model) works on the discretion of the identity of the user. In DAC access to any object (files, directories, devices, information etc.) is only allowed if the owner of that object is willing to give access. Therefore, the basis of this model is creator-controlled sharing of information and identity of the owner plays an important role in the working of this method. The owners of objects can specify at their own discretion in what ways they want to share their objects to other users i.e. which other users can have what level of access to the objects they own. This can be implemented in a fairly simple way by using access control matrix which contains the names of users on the rows and the names of objects on the columns giving information of which users has access to which corresponding object. Regardless of how the matrix is represented in memory, whether by rows or by columns, the names of the users and objects must be used in the representation [1] . ACCESS CONTROL MATRIX The access control matrix is a combination of rows and columns with cells representing the permissions. In the matrix, the rows represent user/subjects and columns represent resources / objects. Regardless of how the matrix is represented in memory, whether by rows or by columns, the names of the users and objects must be used in the representation. For example, in a row-based representation an entry might read the equivalent of KIM can access KIMSFILE and DONSFILE. In a column-based representation, one might find the equivalent of DONSFILE can be accessed by DON, JOE and KIM [1]. The entries in the matrix describe what type of access each user has to each object. This representation of rows and columns is dependent on the model or mechanism being selected for Discretionary Access Control. The table below exhibits a good example of an Access Control Matrix. ACCESS CONTROL MATRIX Users / Objects KIMSFILE DONSFILE PAYROL1 PAYROL2 DOESFILE Kim rw r rw r Joe r Don rw r Jones r Doe rw Mgr Jim cp cp c c c Jan rw rw The access control matrix such as the example above is a graphical view of a set of users and their access rights on particular set of protected objects. The access types mentioned in the table above are: r denotes read access. w denotes write access. c denotes control permission access. cp control passing ability. CHARACTERISTICS OF DAC MECHANISMS The complete implementation of DAC is based on the information which is stored in the form of an access control matrix. DACs are oldest and most widely used class of access controls, the access controls for both Windows and UNIX are DAC. The Unix DAC, for example, has the well known three primitive permissions read, write, and execute. When the initial implementation of DAC started, the five basic mechanisms that were used initially to represent information were: Capabilities Profiles Access Control Lists (ACLs) Protection Bits Passwords The first two mechanisms that are capabilities and profiles represent the access control matrix information by row, connecting the accessible objects to the user. Whereas ACLs and protection bits represent the access control information by columns, connecting a list of users to an object. In the above five mechanism we will be mostly concentrating on the ACL model which is the most widely used model out of all of the mechanism present for DAC and also in this section a brief description of the other mechanisms will be provided [1]. Capabilities In a capability-based mechanism for DAC, access to objects which have restriction on them being accessed such as files is granted if the user who wants access to it has the capability for that object. The capability is a protected identifier that both identifies the object and specifies the access rights to be allowed to the accessor who possesses the capability [1]. The basic properties of capabilities are: The capability of one user can be passed onto another user. The user who possesses capability may not alter or fabricate capabilities without the interference of TCB (Trusted Computing Base). If a capability mechanism is used to implement DAC than the implementation should possess the facility to transfer capability from one user to other users. This ability of transferring capability from one user to another cannot be controlled and therefore capabilities has to be stored, determining all the users access for particular objects almost becomes impossible. Because of this reason implementing DAC using the capability mechanism becomes very difficult including the feature of revocation. A pure capability system includes the ability for users to pass the capability to other users. Because this ability is not controlled and capabilities can be stored, determining all the users who have access for a particular object generally is not possible. This makes a complete DAC implementation, including revocation, very difficult. (Revocation may not be an issue, however, since a user who has access to an object can make a copy of the information in another object. Revoking the users access on the original object does not revoke access to the information contained in the users copy. After revocation, however, changes can be made to the original object without the knowledge of revoked users.)[1]. Profiles This is another mechanism which can be used to implement DAC and have been used in some forms for several systems. When using Profiles [1] to implement DAC, a list of protected objects is used to associate each user to the particular object. The object names are inconsistent and they dont agree on being grouped together, also their size and number are difficult to reduce. If a user has access to a large number of protected objects, the profile can also become very large and it is very complex to manage such a profile. In profile mechanism all protected object names should be unique to but in reality multiple objects can have multiple names, because of this reason full pathnames should be used to identify the objects uniquely. One major drawback of this method is that when creating, modifying or deleting access to protected objects requires multiple operations because multiple users might have access to the same object therefore those users profile must be updated. Revoking access to an object in time for a user is very difficult unless the users profile is automatically checked each time that object is accessed. Also if some object is deleted, it will require some method to check whether that object exists in each of the users profile or not, which is also an extra overhead. In general, with these two mechanisms i.e. Capabilities and Profiles it is very difficult to check whether which users have access to a particular protected object. This is a very important problem that needs to be addressed in secure system and there exists more feasible and more efficient mechanisms, the above two mentioned mechanisms are not the recommended implementations for DAC. ACCESS CONTROL LISTS (ACLs) Another approach to implement the DAC model for access control using the access matrix is by means of the access control lists (ACLs). When using ACLs, each object is related with an ACL, these ACL entries indicate the authorities a subject possesses which can be executed on that object. In the ACL mechanism the access control matrix is represented by columns. By looking at an objects ACL it is easy to determine which modes of access subjects are currently authorized for that object. In other words, ACLs provide for convenient access review with respect to an object. It is also easy to revoke all accesses to an object by replacing the existing ACL with an empty one. On the other hand determining all the accesses that a subject has is difficult in an ACL-based system. It is necessary to examine the ACL of every object in the system to do access review with respect to a subject. Similarly if all accesses of a subject need to be revoked all ACLs must be visited one by one. (In practice revocation of all accesses of a subject is often done by deleting the user account corresponding to that subject. This is acceptable if a user is leaving an organization. However, if a user is reassigned within the organization it would be more convenient to retain the account and change its privileges to reflect the changed assignment of the user.) Several popular operating systems, such as UNIX and VMS, implement an abbreviated form of ACLs in which a small number, often only one or two, group names can occur in the ACL. Individual subject names are not allowed. With t his approach the ACL has a small fixed size so it can be stored using a few bits associated with the file. At the other extreme there are a number of access control packages that allow complicated rules in ACLs to limit when an how the access can be invoked. These rules can be applied to individual users or to all users who match a pattern defined in terms of user names or other user attributes. Access control is required to achieve secrecy integrity, or availability objectives. ACLs have been a popular approach for implementing the access matrix model in computer operating systems. Some systems approximate ACLs by limiting the granularity of the ACL entries to one or two user groups. Other systems allow considerable sophistication. ACLs have disadvantages for access review and revocation on a per-subject basis, but on a per-object basis they are very good. More flexible representation such as authorization tables provide for superior management of access rights, but are usually available only in database management systems. In a distributed system a combination of capabilities for coarse-grained control of access to servers, with ACLs or authorization tables for finer-grained controls within servers, is an attractive combination [10]. ACL MECHANISM WORKING ACLs allow any particular user to be allowed or disallowed access to a particular protected object. They implement the access control matrix by representing the columns as lists of users attached to the protected objects. The lists do not have to be excessively long if groups and wild cards (see below) are used. The use of groups raises the possibility of conflicts between group and individual user. As an example, the ACL entries PAYROL rw and Jones.PAYROL r appear to conflict, but can be resolved in the design of the DAC mechanism. The Apollo system has a multiple, hierarchical group mechanism. The ACL entry has the form user-id.group.organization .node. As in Multics, if the ACL specifies access rights for the user by user-id then group access rights are ignored. This allows a particular user to be excluded or restricted in access rights [13]. In the Apollo, if a user is not on the ACL by user-id, but is a member of a group, those rights are used and organization and node membershi ps are not examined. Multiple group mechanisms add more complexity and may facilitate administrative control of a system, but do not affect the utility of a DAC mechanism. Access to ACLs should be protected just as other objects are protected. The creation of groups m